Three Ways to Generate Company Blog Post Ideas


Most brands realize the importance of a coherent digital marketing strategy. However, building your website and occasionally posting on your company blog only get you so far. To really succeed with content marketing, you need to post regularly, and to do that, you need a way to generate ideas. This article aims to discuss the subject in further detail.


  1. Check trending topics for ideas

When you are looking to generate new company blog post ideas, trending topics are an obvious starting point. However, before you rush to write on the next leading trend, it’s crucial to ensure the topic is relevant to your brand and in keeping with the rest of the content on your company blog. If you constantly write on different topics, your audience may struggle to understand what you stand for.

So, firstly go back to your content marketing plan and focus on the type of content you want to write. Now, you can quickly identify trends that fit in with that to see where the opportunities are. However, be careful not to overuse this strategy; you don’t want your blog to get a reputation for only writing on trending topics.


  1. Consider a case study piece

Some of the best blog pieces are based on personal experience, at least to some degree. Therefore, writing a case study based on your work is another way of generating blog post ideas. There are several ways you can approach this, depending on what is most relevant to your business. For example, marketing agencies might focus on work they have done for a client and their generated results.

This is probably what most people think of when discussing a case study. However, you can be creative here with this type of content. Therefore, another option would be to discuss something you have done internally in your business, for example, steps you have taken to increase social media engagement or ways you have reduced costs in a particular department.


  1. Think about your other popular blog posts

When you have a successful piece of blog content, it’s essential to learn lessons from it. If you can work out what made it successful, you may be able to repeat the feat with a new piece. Therefore, when you are trying to generate ideas for new content, it’s a good idea to look back at what has worked for you before.

This doesn’t mean you should write a copy of the previous article but is more about the general elements of what made it so successful. As you gain more experience, you will find it easy to write content that achieves a consistent level of views. This is because it’s often the structure of the content that holds the key. The solution here could be as simple as including creative graphics and writing on topics that interest your audience; Google Analytics can provide a lot of information in this respect.


Most brands realize the importance of digital marketing, but getting it right isn’t as easy as it looks. Clearly, having a website and a blog page is a decent start. However, generating a regular supply of ideas for your blog pieces can still be challenging. Therefore, remember to check trending topics for ideas, consider a case study piece, and think about your other popular blog posts.


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